HoroHoro walks by a public speech by Ronny, a fanatic catholic priest who says kids like him should not take part of the Shaman Fight, for they are not mature enough to handle the Great Spirit. Also, he finds Pirika amidst the crowd, who has come to pay him a visit in Patch Village. The priest approaches him again later with his two team mates (Ouji and Aiyomi) and dismisses his dream of building a vast field of petasites as narrow-minded. In a third encounter, all their oracles ring announcing them as adversaries. In the battle, Ren and Chocolove make short work of Ouji and Aiyomi, but Ronny has his oversoul swallow HoroHoro and engulf him in a world of darkness where HoroHoro is unable to oversoul. With his sister's love and focusing on his dream, he is able to muster up some power and defeat Ronny, who finally recognizes him as worthy of the title of Shaman King.